Fulfilled by our friends at Elm Dirt
Our seed starting bundle is perfect to get your seeds started off right! Use Plant Juice to soak your seeds to promote germination and fertilization process. Help create a strong healthy root system for your plants to withstand transplant. Plant Juice will provided your seeds, seedling and sprouts with beneficial microbes that will supply them with micro and macro nutrients. Place your seeds in our all-natural Seedling Mix. A blend formulated to promote germination and feralization process while creating a light, fluffy environment for the roots to freely grow. Lastly, use Kelp Mist foliar spray to help your plants use nutrients more efficiently and effectively. Kelp Mist help plants tolerate drought stress of the summer and boost soil microbial activity.
Seed Starting Bundle Includes:
- 5 lbs. Seedling Mix
- 32 oz. Plant Juice
- 16 oz. Kelp Mist
- 2 oz. Elm Dirt Measuring Glass
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